The Feeding Your Kids program helps parents learn how to feed their children healthier and teach their children to have a healthier attitude toward food. It’s offered by the Feeding Your Kids Foundation and is entirely free to parents everywhere in the world.

1 Breakfast

Assessing what they actually eat; convenient preparation; how to go against the tide of unhealthy food; comparing labels; comparing cereals; routine vs. emergency breakfast …

2 Planning & Preparation

Preparing your shopping list; only purchasing what is on the list; awareness at the grocery store ...

3 Eating Behavior & Techniques

Decisions to leave up to your child; types of eating personalities; what to expect when feeding; what to do when your child refuses to eat something; family meal behavior …

4 Selecting Food

Balanced meal basics, snacks as a mini-meal, upgrading snacks …

5 Advanced

Involving your child in cooking, how to teach to eat new food, reconsidering food handouts, upgrading tonight’s meal, building meals from “blocks” …


Feeding Your Kids is a free program that helps you make small changes over time that add up to big results. Encourage your children to develop healthy eating habits that last a lifetime!

Every parent wants healthy children, and to provide nutritious meals to them, and yet we all find it hard to succeed. The Feeding Your Kids program is designed to address the real-life complications of eating-related decision making that make parents struggle with feeding.

The program is used by parents and caregivers with children from age 2 (beyond nursing and baby food) to teenagers and is effective for families with children of varying ages in the household at the same time.

Studies show that when it comes to behavior, people learn best by taking small practical steps and learning to combine them into a sequence that leads to success. The program sequences the small doable practical changes daily, and adds up to a big result at the end.

Parents make a lot of decisions before that one meal gets on the table tonight. Any one of those decisions can sabotage the hoped-for outcome. At the same time, feeding your kids in a healthy way is only one of your objectives among the many you have in running busy lives. Practical advice can help!

"How much can my child really help?" The answer is that child involvement is key to success in developing the appreciation for healthy food that lasts a lifetime. We'll help show you how!

When you start the program, you will have an opportunity to assess how you make the decisions related to feeding. Then the program will send you a progressive set of new things to learn/do each day throughout the program, building your skills in every area.










We use daily outbound messaging to deliver the program one lesson at a time. That gives you time to learn and try ideas in your own feeding practice. You can stop at the end of each section if you’ve learned enough, or continue onward to learn more.


The Feeding Your Kids program was created in 2009 as part of a commitment to the Clinton Global Initiative.

Eszter Erdélyi volunteered to write the program as a pro bono project.

Eszter and her husband Carey started the Feeding Your Kids Foundation in 2010 to support the program. The program and this website are paid for by Eszter, Carey and the Foundation.

That’s how we can deliver the program with no advertising – we don’t take any money from anyone to recommend anything – and make it completely free.


Here is a random sample of places around the world where parents have taken the program.

We hope you enjoy it too!


As a good parent you have two objectives when it comes to feeding. First, you want the meal your child is eating right now to be as healthy and nutritious as possible. Second, you want to have a child who eats when hungry and stops when satiated, who eats a variety of foods, and is able to self regulate eating by making choices instead of relying indiscriminately on the “edible items” they are surrounded by.

This program is a first step toward bringing to all parents the support and advice they need, no matter where they are or what their situation is. We hope you will enjoy it, and that it helps you achieve your goals in feeding your kids healthy food!